1st Environment Youth Participation Forum
1st Environmental Youth Participation Forum continues this fabulous project of Scout from Honduras and Francisco Marin with this initiative of caring for plants at this time of Pandemic and then Planting them with his family or Scout Troop with the Jum Te Rum project
Aug 30, 2020
Stream Live
May 8, 2021
We spoke with Marcelo Guerra Hahn "President of the Interamerican Scout Foundation" about the importance of young scouts in the development of the 2030 agenda.
Planting 30 mahogany trees in the Our Little Brothers Project.
Together with young people from the NPH project, they dug the holes and we planted the trees around a path within the facilities so that when they grow up they create shadows.
Jul 3, 2021
Plantation in the municipality of Tatumbla.
The planting of 20 mahogany trees was carried out together with scout brothers, in a green area of the municipality of Tatumbla
May 29, 2021
Plantation at the Instituto Tecnico Honduras
We planted 6 mahogany trees in a green area of the Honduras Technical Institute
Jul 20, 2021
Planting 10 mahogany trees at the Republica de Nicaragua School.
On July 17 we were at the Republica de Nicaragua school where we planted 10 mahogany trees.
Jul 17, 2021
Social Educational Work
In May we helped students of the Instituto Salesiano San Miguel with 20 mahogany trees to carry out their social work.
May 2021
Talks with the Scouts
Give talks on climate change and project presentation to scout troops:
Troop 26 Pax-Hill
Troop 60 from Teguz.
Danli Troop 19.
Troop 12 Promwaika Walta.
Jul-Aug 2020
Planting trees in various green areas
As a result of Covid 19, it was decided to seek the support of more people so that they would be in charge of planting the mahogany trees in other green areas of the department of Francisco Morazán